{baking} and other recipes

{before. after. and lots of love.}

my mother spoke with me pretty bluntly around a year ago about her concern for my health. i had been overweight, exhausted, borderline-depressed, for several years, and with my newest little one around was finding it nearly impossible to take care of, let alone play and have fun with my kids like i really wanted to. she’d been visiting a nutritionist and whole-heartedly recommended her to me, even offering to help out with expenses as necessary. seeing the love and concern in her eyes was all it took (and the fact that i felt dreadful didn’t hurt either) to motivate me to try it out.

eleven months later, and i am down almost 25 pounds, i have a normal amount of energy, and well, i just generally “feel good.”

why all the magical changes? this is the hard part, or at least was for the first month or so, but i was so determined to feel better so that i could be there for my kids that i stuck it out and have never looked back. what this meant for me:

no sugar. no gluten. no dairy. no eggs. and a lot of lean protein.

i’ve tried, tested, sampled so many products that fit this criteria and find most of them lacking in flavor or texture. nothing beats homemade anyway, right? so i’ve become, in my own right, the resident evil-scientist (OK, not really) baker in our home. so many recipes tried, tweaked, failed, but so many more tried and loved, that i just have to share them, just in case there’s someone else out there who’s caught in the same dilemma. even if you’re not, i bet you’ll like ‘em if you try ‘em!

just for fun, here’s a “before” picture of me (this is from january of 2012):

sometimes i don’t take kindly to criticism, but in this case, i’m ever-grateful to my loving mother.

check my homepage for new baking posts weekly!

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