Monthly Archives: April 2013

whole30 endings. baby beginnings {and soup}

consider this an intermission of sorts from my regular blogging.

speaking of intermissions, i must confess that i didn’t finish the full 30 days of the whole30 because at some point toward the very end (maybe day 27 or so), i started to feel really crummy. my energy level crashed, and i was completely fatigued all of the time. about a week or so later, i discovered the cause = surprise: a baby! so there must be something to all of these claims whole30 makes about boosting fertility… 

even without completing the 30 days, i lost 8 lbs and had a ton of energy (til the end, of course), so i strongly recommend it!

now i’m stuck in that first trimester, nauseated, low-energy rut. you know, where you’re hungry all the time, but nothing quite hits the spot, except for the occasional (usually unhealthy) strong cravings? my best (worst) ones so far have been: chick-fil-a’s spicy chicken sandwich, and taco bell’s double decker taco. luckily, i have a thoughtful husband who loves to cook, so he made his own rendition of the double decker taco, which obviously was much healthier, AND tasted better. 


otherwise, soup has been first and foremost on my list of desirable meals. the problem is, i am no soup master. today i threw together some leftover veggies and chicken stock for a cozy cabbage soup, and that is exactly what i needed. i need more broth-based soup ideas, so this time, i’m asking that you share your favorite recipes. pretty please?


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